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Dose 5 mgs are recommended elderly patients (older 65). Tadalafil in doses 2, 5 mgs and 5 mgs in a dose 1 onetime per days estimated in 3 clinical researches that included 853 patients of different age(from 21 82 to) and ethnic group, with erectile dysfunction of different degrees of weight(easy, middle, heavy) and different etiology. Most patients accepted the inhibitors before-5 in case of necessity. In two primary researches of efficiency a coefficient of successful attempts was 57 and 67% for Cialis5 mgs, 50% - for Cialis 2, 5 mgs as compared to 31 and 37% for a placebo. In researches for patients with secondary erectile dysfunction in relation to diabetes the coefficient of successful attempts made 41 and 46% for Cialis 5 mgs and 2,5 mgs accordingly, as compared to 28% for a placebo. Undesirable effects about that reported mostly were a headache and dyspepsia. By-reactions were brief, from lungs to moderate. Data about by-reactions for patients in age 75 are limited older. Data are below given about the by-reactions registered during clinical researches among patients, applying Cialis in case of necessity and every day, and also the data got as a result of post-marketing supervision among patients, applying in case of necessity. Some large prevalence of violations of ЭКГ, foremost sine is registered for patients, getting tadalafil 1 per days, as compared to a placebo. Majority from these violations were not related to the by-reactions. To undoubted advantages of this mode of therapy it is possible to take complete absence of psychological dependence on time of reception of preparation, taking into account twenty-four-hour efficiency, positive influence on quality of life of patients, and also their partners, and certainly independence of effect from eating and alcohol, allowing to the patient to conduct the ordinary way of life, not changing the habits and saving spontaneity of sexual activity. An effect from the regular reception of tadalafilin relatively small doses develops quickly enough and saved during all term of reception of preparation. The positive effect observed in an experiment in regard to the function of endothelia of bodies’ grounds to suppose that tadalafil at the protracted regular reception can improve erection after abolition of preparation, although this supposition requires confirmations in further clinical researches. Before the beginning of any treatment at erectile dysfunction doctors must take into account the state of the cardiovascular system of patients, as there is the certain degree of cardiac risk, associated with sexual activity. Tadalafil has influence in relation to expansion of vessels, that can bring to the lung and decline HELL over and thus to strengthen the hypotension effect of nitrates.